Why would an animal requires a leg amputation? This maybe due to severe fracture that can't be restored by healing or surgery as well as loss of blood supply to its extremities resulting to necrosis, infection and more damage.

Our recent case involved a one-month old pup that has traumatized right hind leg. The puppy had fever and the affected thigh area was swollen. The foot was also bluish and unresponsive to stimulus. After few days, there was drainage on the thigh with pus, water and blood. Because of licking, the drainage hole got bigger until the bone was exposed. Although the leg is almost on normal size, the wound is big and the color/odor of the area is abnormal. The dog is still on supportive treatment like antibiotics, vitamins and proper wound dressing is being implemented until ready for surgery.
Even dogs have belly button. However, some breeds are predisposed to have bigger and more prominent one like on Shih Tzus. This condition is believed to be inherent so parents are not recommended to breed to stop this. It is generally normal and can even close at an early age. It will also not cause any alarm if the size is small or negligible. The problem will arise if the opening becomes large and cause intestinal strangulation. If the intestine become twisted or trapped in this opening, the blood supply will be cut off and may cause necrosis. It is considered an emergency situation and surgery should be performed. For more helpful diagnosis, sonogram and radiographs can be done.
Why do owners prefer to tail dock certain breeds of dogs? This is because of breed standard and aesthetics. There are specific tail lengths for specific breeds. Moreover, this procedure is also recommended to promote hygiene and prevent self-mutilation. Veterinarians primarily consider the age of the puppy and overall health condition before doing it. The ideal age is 2-5 days without the use of anesthesia. It would take less than an hour to finish and with minimal risk. The suture used should be removed after 5-7 days. Just be cautious about the mother's grooming habits when the puppy is placed back to her.
Owners should be aware of the mating or copulation dates of their dogs as to monitor the pregnancies. The stages of pregnancy require different nutrition and supplements for the bitch and unborn puppies. On the average, the dog gestation period would last for nine weeks or 63 days. The range would be from 58-68 days regardless of age, breed and size. Veterinarians use canine pregnancy calendar to estimate possible date of parturition. We can also use ultrasound and xray to be able to know the condition of the puppies.
Yesterday, we have a case of malignant tumor. I cannot tell the specific abnormal cells due to lack of diagnostic tests which I will suggest later to the owner. However, I saw and palpated lots of masses around the body, face, mouth and even on tongue. The prognosis is poor though the dog has good appetite and activity. I know that chemotherapy, detailed blood profile and tests are good options but one must know the limitations especially with regards to financial and extent of the disease. Prayers will do help.